
My mom wont allow me to go on a date?

by  |  earlier

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m 15 and its not even a date date because one of my friends will be there. its kind of just a hang out. but she wont let me. i get good grades, im responsible. i wont do anything beyond the limit. how do i convince her? and we would be at my friends house with her parents there so yeah. or we would go to the mall but she wont allow me. help. the guy is only here for a few weeks :(




  1. hmm... china doll? are you chinese? if so your culture has alot to do with it. im philipino so i know. my mom was very strict with me and my dad was a military chief so i also lived by the military rules lol. see it could be worse. its just how your mom was raised. they were raised in a more "old fashion" kind of mentality. The only thing i can advise is just talk to her. In the long run im so proud to of had parents that were strict. i was never a party girl. or the girl who lost her virginity at 16. Even tho i hated the rules for sooo long they loosened up when i turned 18. Either way I had a great childhood.

  2. Why did you ask your mother?

    If you told her it was a hang out with your friend only (without the boy), she would have let you. Learn from your mistakes.

  3. Ask if you can invite him and others to your house instead.

  4. Tell her hes just a friend.

    And then say "WHY? Don't you trust me?!"

    Followed by "You raised me, then you should know i wouldn't do anything wrong!!"

    It ALWAYS works ;D

  5. hate to say it but I wouldn't allow you to do that either. I would maybe let him come over and you guys could watch a movie together or hang out. Try that. If you really want to see him that bad then you will do anything with him, even hang out at your house with your family right?

  6. Tell her what you've just told us. I hope stuff works out.

  7. i wasnt allowed to date till my sr. year....and if i wanted to hang out with friends then my parents would have to know them....not just meet them may suck but youre not gonna may not understand everything they say but they arent just being mean they have there own reasons behind may want to sit down and talk to your parents...and ask them the rules for dating and hanging out with when they have to meet the people and the age you can start dating and hanging out and things you can mall and movies

  8. Have your friend talk to your mom , and convince her. It always worked for me . Good luck

  9. I agree with a different answer here....tell your mother everything you've told us, if you haven't yet, but then take it one step further...offer for her to meet the parent that will be home with you all while, to talk to them and be reassured that you won't be left alone for anything undesireable to happen.

    After this is all said and done...sit down with your mother and ask her point blank why she doesn't trust you, tell her how it makes you feel...that you feel like you must be a bad child to have her mistrust in this way...that you feel she doesn't believe in your good judgement...etc.  Have an open conversation with her that allows you both to say how you feel, what you fear and what solutions you could come up with to make you both feel better about things.  You may not get "exactly" what you want but you can probably come up with some way to meet in the middle.  Stay calm, show her your heart, express your love for her, you need for her to trust you...and leave the rest to her good judgement.

    Good luck and take good care! :)

  10. Three Cheers to your Mother ...Where did you get to know this Guy ? computer friend I suggest ...  He may turn out tobe a lot older than you

    think or been told ...Wonder how many hes murdered before he gets to you ... Wots the h***s the use of good school grades when you are not street wise  

  11. ure only 15 u have plenty of time with guys besides if he is only here for a few weeks whats the point?

  12. You are old enough to date, but she is probably stopping and preventing you from getting hurt if the guy is only here for a few weeks. That is what I would do.

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