
My mom wont let me have a pet HELP?

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My mom will not let me get a dog or cat...what is a small pet that doesnt smell and can fit in my room...please help me i am begging my dog and cat r SOOO boring(no ofense to dog/cat lovers)




  1. fish birds

    I love fish they dont wine & birds are interactive and can be tamed

  2. chinchillas except they need a big cage, but they are really nice and super cute. they p**p like a ton (3 times a minute) but it doesn't smell at all.

  3. RABBIT!

    they have huge personalities, you always know what mood they are in. You can train them to do tricks and use the litter box. They are pretty easy to take care of but need a couple hours of exercise a day. You can take them on walks and they "dance" when they are happy. Whatever you get please adopt. You can find tons of good animals at

  4. get a hamster. i have one in my room..... they die in two years so you cant possibly get bored of them.... write a huge report on them, including whos gunna take care of them, what breed you want and why, expenses, and 'concerns' like noise in the night. i wrote a 750 word report and i got one.

  5. GET A RAT. Rats are sweet and they don't smell if you clean there cage. They  are smarter then mice,hamster,gerbils,rabbits,and guinea pigs. You can tech them tricks and they don't need as big a cage as a ferret or rabbit (but they do need a big cage). You also should buy two of them.

  6. hamsters are adorable and dont have those nasty tails like rats/mice. or maybe try a rabbit?

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