
My mommy hits me?

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My son tells everybody that i hit him. we were in wal-mart and he walked up to someone he didnt know and said that. he told his daycare person that. whys he doing this? his day-care person told me when he said it and said 3 year olds wont lie and if he says it again shes reporting it to cps and if he tells them they'll beleve him cause a 3 year old dont know how 2 lie...what do i do




  1. Two things:

    1. Find a new daycare provider.  They should be working with you and not against you.  You are the mother.  However, I know that is not easy to do, so meanwhile, if CPS comes, let them.  If there is nothing wrong, they will leave you alone.

    2.  3 year olds can and do lie.  He probably heard it somewhere and does not even know what it means.  Sit and explain it to him, over , over, over and over again that it is not appropriate and not true.  It will take a while, but he will get it.

    And then, I am sure he will come up with something else.  Kids always do...

    Good luck to you...

  2. I would dare that nosy b******** to call them.   Kids are kids.  they say the damnedest things.  GEEEZ  if there are no bruises and you  have a clean safe home they wont do anything.  but then you can sue her for slander and harassment.  : )  then sue the daycare so you can own her job too.

    seriously, ask your kid in front of her and he probably wont say it again...  my little brother used to tell everyone I poured water in his cereal.. all i did was pull out the water instead of the milk, there was no pouring..  but he's 24 now and still says i did that..   lol

  3. what they mean when they say that they dont lie is that kids at this age cant distinguish between fantasy and real life. he is getting lots of attention from his actions and its outragous what his day care provider said to you.

    ignore his responses to getting hit and make it a negative experience to when saying things that he shouldnt say and make it a positve experience when saying things he should say.

    kids are like sponges and if he seen or heard from someone that children shouldnt be hit then he may have gottent he wrong idea. he may need an example as to what that statement really meant.

    my oldest was so stubborn on this issue and he kept saying that if i touched him then he would call the cops so i let him watch an episode on dr. phil where the mother was abusing her children, badly. he was heart wrenching and since then i have not heard that statement ever again.

    you may have exclusively focus on what he tells people one week and help direct his conversation as to what is ok to say and what isnt.

    role play with him and show him what are true words and what are false words. good luck with this.

    schools are teaching our children about child abuse to prevent it however sometimes they get the wrong idea and we as parents need to instill the correct ideas in.

  4. thats a tough one.

    if you really aren't hitting your son, then ask him why he is saying these things.

    and maybe bribe him, "if you can go a whole day without saying it, i'll give you a prize" then let him pick out something in the toy aisle. And so on and so forth. Or if you don't want to buy 308472 toys, try candy or sugar free candy.


  5. Of course 3 year olds know how to lie! Mine was doing the same thing. Somebody did call CPS on me and they came and investigated and determined that nothing was wrong and there was no abuse happening in the family. Try to talk to him about how lying could end up with bad consequences. My girls are 4 and 5 and still making stuff up, but people have now learned not to listen to them. Good luck!

  6. quit hitting your son then

  7. 3 year olds definetly lie.  We were recently in a car accident and my son now tells everyone that the cops found a gun in my car and broke it.  They will lie about things they see on tv maybe not on purpose but they will do it.  Let the daycare call cps you shouldnt have anything to hide.

  8. 3 year olds are great at lying. Even if she did report it she would need to show evidence of the bruises. If your not hitting him, you have nothing to worry about.

    About your son telling everyone that, I would see a phycologist.

    Hope that helps.

  9. i really don't know what to say for you.that sounds horrible. my he got it from someone else. have you tried talking to him about it. like sitting down with him and talk to him in a nice tone and tell him it's wrong to say it if it'snot true.

  10. 3 yr olds have very vivid imaginations and wonderful memory skills, is it possible that another child in the daycare said that and he overheard it and thought that it was a game. The daycare center has a legal obligation to call CPS but at the same time they as providers should know that the imagination of 3 yr olds and repeating skills are high and very likely, so I would possible sit down with the head of the center explain the situation and try and resolve it if that doesn't work changing centers would be your best and safest bet

  11. 3 year olds do know how to lie my 3 year old lie's to me all the time about stupid stuff sometimes she will lie about things that she didn't do. I would talk to your son and explain to him that lying is bad you can even spank him if your not doing that already tell him no that lying is not okay. you may not like the idea of spanking him ( if your not spanking him) but you can do other things like timeout something that shows him that lying is not okay. and you should talk to the daycare provider let her know that he is lying and although she may not think it's possible to for a 3 year old to lie it's very very possible you can even print out these answers and show her if you like let her know that other parents disagree. good luck and I hope this helps

  12. Do you ever spank him? maybe he misinterprets. If that were me I would show him pictures of abused kids and explain to him what could happen if he keeps lying. Or maybe talk to a therapist, that way if cps does come they will see you have a problem with lying. at least he doesn't know to give himself bruises. But I think that if cps did come they would see that nothing iss wrong that he doesn't have bruises or anything. That daycare person is an idiot you should change daycares.
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