
My moms boyfriend shows me his stuff all the time. im 14

by  |  earlier

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Every night around 2am he walks in my room naked and tries to touch me until i wake up and yell at him. then he runs out of my room and acts like nothing happened. then the next night it happens all over again. i am scared to tell my mom, because she might not beleive me. what should i do. on top of that. when my mom is not around he pulls it out. and trys not to ask like he has done anything different. as soon as my mom walks up he zips he zipper back up. i cant stand him. and i am 14 year old girl. i need help with this. could i somehow get him deported. he is an illegal mexican




  1. please tell a trusted adult this is a crime  

  2. You don't say what kind of a relationship you have with your mom however you need to tell your Mom immediatetly!!!  And call the police! What he is doing is illegal. If your mom doesn't believe you then call the police yourself. Try to remember if this creep has any identifiying marks around his private area or anywhere else on his body that he should'nt be exposed so you can prove to them what he is doing to you.  I know this will be hard but he will do worse to you if you don't stop him now. I will tell you though the DCFS or something like that will probably come in and question you and your mom. You might even have to stay in a foster home for a might or longer if she does not believe you and has him stay.  This man belongs in jail. Do not let anyone talk you out of going to the police because even if your mom dumps the creep he will find some other woman with a young daughter and do the same to her. So please tell your mom and call the police!!!  

  3. this is just terrible-you need to tell someone you trust, someone who will help you and stand beside you when you go to the police and report this, this is sexual abuse-this man will be arrested, and perhaps even have to go to jail. hopefully your mom will believe you, and get him out of the house while the cops are investigating him. good luck with this-oh, if mom for some reason, makes the wrong decision, and sides with him-go stay with a gramma, or an aunt, or get social services to put you in foster care-get somewhere safe.

  4. you should tell your mom and if she doesnt listen to you then go to the police he's too old to do that to you and he needs to go to jail

  5. Step one: Tell your mom.

    Step two: Call the police.

    Step three: If he doesn't get jailed or deported as a result of calling the police, call a local immigration office.

  6. Yeah tell ur mom asap girl ! Your mom deserves to know what scumbag she dating . This situation can turn rly bad so do this imediantly . If your mom thinks your lying or anything then go to ur school consuler or police ! Fear to tell is a weapon that predators use . Don't take this lightly what he is doing is disgusting ! Tell ur mom what's been happening and how scared of him to be alone with him you might be suprised of her respond ! I know if I was ur mom I would shove a bat up his kass ! If your mom takes it lightly or puts in u the same room as him ever again the she is very irresponsible ! Anyway good luck remember none of this is ur fault don't feel any guilt ur a victim and deserve the right to feel safe in ur own home ! *hugs * keep me updated dear !


  7. This is illegal and need to tell somebody.


  8. You should tell your mother. If that does not work, inform the police of his indecent exposure and attempted child molestation. He appears to be a sexual predator and the police will know what to do in this situation. If you tell your mother and she does nothing to remedy the situation, she may be charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

  9. as he is an illegal call the police or go to them and tell them what he is doing and that you are scared of him

  10. um... you tell ur mom asap if she doesnt believe u tell other adults like family members hes a child meloster he could go to jail for that but tell ur mom im sure she will atleast kepp an eye on him, but u need to make sure he does not get away with this

  11. My advise is to tell your mother, and your counselor at school quickly, before something else happens. This man should not be allowed to be around children of either gender. TELL YOUR MOTHER FOR SURE. Contact the authorities if possible. They have no reason not to believe you. Also if you have a camcorder or other recording device, that would also be helpful. Maybe a friend come over and hide using a camcorder or at least witnessing this event would help.

    Good Luck, and I hope this helps

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