
My moms in her 40s and shes gonna take lasic eye surgery in 2 weeks.Is it risky and how much becuz im scarred?

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that she might go blind.What are the chances?




  1. i just saw it being done on someone on TLC's show Ten years younger! looked kinda scary cuz its like in ur eye, but the lady was awake, and it went perfectly, she couldnt feel any pain, a little sore later on in the day, but it took like 5 or 10 minutes. dont be scared! my friend got it too when she was in 5th grade, her eyesight isnt totally better, but she said it wasnt too bad but its kinda scary having someone poke at ur eye. she has a tiny tiny tiny red dot on her white part of her eye now from it but shes totally fine

  2. I hear good things about this procedure actually. I knew a few people that did it and yes at first seeing is hard but after wards its much better and they usually regain vision that they might not have gained back from the glasses. Don't be afraid just be prepared to help her out and keep out the lights because her eyes will be sensitive at first

  3. no 1 out of a million turned blind

  4. I had lasik as well! It went well!

  5. Lasik is a safe procedure so long as your mom has talked to both her optometrist and her ophthalmologist. The lasik procedure cuts into the cornea, which is the clear layer of tissue in front of the eye. The cutting of the cornea may compromise the cornea if your mom's cornea is already thin to begin with. But, no ophthalmologist will not do the procedure if this were the case. If your doctor believes your mom is a good candidate, i think she will be fine.

    The only concern i would have at her age is this: at the age of 45, people will notice that their lens does not focus the way that it used to. The lens becomes less flexible with age, and while viewing targets at distance may be perfectly corrected for, she should anticipate that near tasks, like reading, and working on the computer will become difficult as the lens loses it's elasticity. She should just be informed that although her distance vision will be wonderful, there is a very good chance that she will still be needing reading glasses in about 5 years.

    But... other than that, i believe your mom will be just fine.

  6. I took lasik surgery last year and Its the best thing I ve done in my life. Now I see perfectly.

    The Doctor studies your eyes first, so if your mom has any problem or the doctor is not sure about the result he won't let her take it. Just make sure it's a good center and get references.

  7. i'm not sure what the chances are. But my aunt got it when she was like 32 and her eyes are fine. My mom got it when she was around 40 and her eyes are fine. You would have to get a really good doctor with happy clients though. I'm not sure what the odds of going blind are.

  8. My mom had this when she was in her seventys she did fine.

    Just ask God to watch over her and he will. God Bless You and your Mom.

  9. I'm also in my 40s and am not going to have it done. I'm not afraid of the risks but the costs of it don't make it worthwhile for me. I would still need glasses no matter what I did. I don't want to have to keep putting on reading glasses when I want to look at fine print. For me, it would be swapping one problem for another.

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