
My moms new rule..... what do I do???

by  |  earlier

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OK this is the rule

if i dont kiss her 10 times a a day im grounded ...

i dont find that fair..what do I do??




  1. uh, is that a joke ?

    i hope so, but if not just do it i guess its not that big a deal .

  2. that's weird. but...just go along with it i'd say.

  3. do you know how many people i would kill to have a mother to force me to kiss her 10 times a day.?

    i'd give the world for it

  4. wtf?

    thats dumb.

    have you calmly asked her why she made that rule?

    does she not believe you lover her or something, i mean, wtf?

    thats dumb as c**p.

  5. If you're telling the truth and you're Mums not teasing just give her ten first thing in the morning and get it over and done with.  

  6. Time to call the people in the white coats  

  7. yeah thats stupid.

    but chu gotta do what chu gotta do, rite?

  8. shes prob going through me do pause

  9. tell her shes messed up and that you shouldnt have to noone kisses there moms

  10. That's very odd!! Does your mom have physiological issues?  

  11. deal with it.

  12. its your mom do it and feel lucky i dont have my mom with me right now and i would give anything to kiss her 10 times or more a day you need to be more thankful for what you have  for real

  13. that sounds like a stupid rule.  you should protest.  maybe just stop brushing your teeth & eating lots of garlic.  she wont want you to kiss her then!!!  otherwise, just kiss her - shes your mom ☺

  14. That's really stupid. I guess do it just so you don't get grounded.

  15. haha. :]

    That's cute. Kiss her ten times a day then!

  16. What's your mama smokinn'? That's a little strange... but that's what moms are known for being =)

    My mom often begs me to hug her and when I do she always says I'm barely hugging her. She expects me to like tackle her with a hug every time I see her.

    Just get the kisses done fast, I would say kiss her five times in the morning and five times before bed. Or three times after each meal and then once before bed.

  17. that's odd weird and can be called immature

    but then again who doesn't like kisses!

  18. maybe she just wants to feel love or misses you or something...just go with the flow...she probably just feels insecure or something right now

    after a while i would stop though

    , kiss her 10 times in the morning so that you don't have to do it all day

    or 5 times in the morn, 5 times at night

  19. Are you sure she wasnt joking? I mean my mom would be joking if she said that to me. Maybe she just feels neglected by you because you dont show her affection very often, and now she is trying to force you to love her. I say kiss her in the morning when you come downstairs, and kiss her at night before you go to bed. Dont kiss her 10 times a day.

  20. Weird...

  21. She just wants you to be close...

    But that's just a LITTLE weird...

    Just Hug Her...  

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