
My mosue is gone1!! can someone help?

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my little mosue got out of his cage!!! ive been looking for 2 days and i cant find him. i put out food and he has been eating it but i still cand find him. do the no kill mouse traps really work or do they still hurt them?? does any1 else have any sugestions? thanks soo much!!




  1. The no-kill mouse traps do work really well and they dont hurt them.  

  2. The no kill traps really do work.  Fine one to order off a PETA website and you can be sure it wont harm the little guy.  Are you going to get a better cage he wont escape from?  Leave the cage on the floor with the door open and a trail of food going in side.  Don't put food anywhere else.  If he is hungry enough, he'll eventually go back in and you'll probably find him curled up in his nest.  Good luck.

  3. its ok settle down. my friend lost her hamster while on vaca and found it 2 weeks later. Make a trail of cheese through out the house and at the end make little steps to a bucket, fill the bucket with bedding, but not high enough for it to get out. Hope you find him. P.S. DONT USE A MOUSE TRAP

  4. There are traps called humane mouse or rat traps. It looks like a cage with an open door, and when a mouse walks inside and tugs at the food hanging inside, it triggers a lever which makes the door snap shut.

    These definitely won't kill your mouse.

    There are other methods but this is just one.

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