
My mother's "ex" wants to have me beaten up, what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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okay so my mom, was with a dude a year ago. well he went to jail when he stole from someone. this dude also wrecked my mom's car and he was had our house key and came into our house once when we were all gone. well he is out now, he left some stuff at our house when they were still "dating". mom told him she threw it out, and now he is threatening to break our windows, and he is gonna have his daughter beat me up. (i dont know why i have to pay, i have nothing to do with this).

my mom refuses to let the police get involved, saying they wont do c**p. but i cant stay in the house for the rest of my life either. i never liked the dude nor did my mother's friends when they were "dating". i knew he was bad from the start. but this dude had also beat on some other woman too. and he and his daughter are from the hood (which scares me).

what do i do? im not much of a fighter...and when i am, i certainly cant go up against someone from the hood. why do i have to be involved, just cause my mom was being stupid?

what should i do? i dont have no health insurance, so i really cant afford to be beaten up.




  1. YOu are not the only one,I have ever met the similiar problem before.I have good experience here though.

  2. You should just try to avoid this at all cost. If you really feel threaten then you need to contact the police. I don't know this guys past history but if he is willing to get someone to beat you up then he could really hurt you and your mom. The problem is also if he is from the hood they usually don't run alone so one of you could get really hurt if not killed. Your best bet for yours and your moms safty is to contact the police. Tell them everything and they have to investigate this if you feel like you life is endanger. Thats all I can say.

  3. AAAWWW you sound really scared.  This is a sick man to try to get his daughter to beat you up.   I would definatly see if you can get a restraining order and your mom should be looking out to protect you at all cost she needs to do what needs to be down.  See if you can get some protection.  Has the girl tried to hurt you yet???

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