I am a 24 year old man, i have 2 children aged 4 and 2 and a half. I get my kids on a tuesday at 12 until a wed at 6 and a fri at 12 until sat 6. the problem is that i stay at my mums house when i have thet kids so my mum can help, but she is always wide thing to me whenever i make a decision regarding my kids eg. last nite i put them to bed, they were watching a film and then they asked for a drink after bout 30 mins, i said no as i am potty training my girl who is 2 and a half, my mother then made a song and dance about it. I want to no if i am being bad or am i right. And these kind of comments happen about at least 6 or 7 times when a have the kids, it really annoys me. And it is not just bout the kids she makes these comments its about everything. What do i do as it is getting me depressed. I have tried talking to her but it doesn't change anything. HELP ME.