
My mother died recently and has no assets but lots of bills /medical bills... Do I have to Pay her bills?

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My mother had several ambulance Bills from the Assisted Living to the hospital. She had $ 439 in the bank other than last social securitry. I paid all I could now what happens with the rest of the outstanding bills? She sold her home in Florida 4 years ago to my sister for $1 . She used up all her money on assisted living/meds each month.

I was on her checking account to pay her bills but nothing is left now. I do not think I am responsible to pay with my own money...??? What should I do ?? Insurance already paid their part.




  1. According the the website shown below, people generally don't inherit other people's debt.  That said, I think it would be worth contacting a lawyer.  Look in your phone book for family aide lawyers who can work with you for free, or cheap.  

    Also, if you were to inherit her debt, I have to assume that it would be shared between you and your sister (and any other siblings you haven't mentioned).  

    On top of that, I would say that your sister should be responsible for the majority of it...As far as I'm concerned, she stole the house from your mother.  Much of the reason people  buy homes is so that they have assets in the later part of their lives.  If your sister didn't provide an equal balance of assets for your mother to live on, she did your mother a disservice.  Additionally, she has obviously been living without a rent payment every month, so one would assume that she has something in savings that could help take care of this problem.

  2. No.  When an estate is insolvent the creditors share what there is of it, pro rata.

    The gift of the house will be safe, as long as your mother was solvent at the time of the gift.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about you mother...

    I don't know, but I don't think you are responsible...ask a lawyer to be 100% sure.

  4. Contact a lawyer.  You should not be liable to pay for the bills unless you've co-signed something with her.

  5. Your mother passed away and unless you signed some papers saying that you accept her "succession" (as in a will), then you are in no way responsible for her debts. They die with her and that's that.

  6. I would return the bills marked "DECEASED to the sender.  If there is no estate, she has no other assets, do not worry.  What do the family have to loose?  The medical company have to eat the bills.  They cannot sue you.

  7. You don't have to pay the bills because they aren't yours. Contact a Lawery and find out your rights. Sorry for your loss

  8. Whatever is left over after insurance is not your responsibility as far as I know.  But you won't be able to collect any of her tangible assets if the bank takes them to  cover more outstanding, cars, etc.

  9. You may want to check with a lawyer.  She wasn't supposed to give away her home to a daughter for $1 and then owe money she couldn't pay.  The creditors may have a valid claim against your sister.  If Medicaid paid any of the assisted living expenses, the state may also have a claim.

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