
My mother had a dream about my late grandfather a few nights before he died. He was driving to work like he?

by Guest10970  |  earlier

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usually does, but with one significant difference. He was driving in the opposite direction. This was not only in the opposite direction of his job, but of downtown and the city (Enfield, NC). While he was driving, a black hearse pulled up behind his car, bumper to bumper. It tailed him while he drove, staying bumper to bumper the whole time. She said there was no clear destination he was aiming for, just going in the wrong direction....out of town. About 2-3 days later after having this dream, my aunt Cheryl called her to tell her he had passed away that morning in his sleep. The doctors said it was heart failure; he was 67. My point in sharing that was to ask this. How is it possible for someone to have a dream that foretells the future like that? I'm very aware that many people throughout history have asked this same question and it's nothing new, but I never really heard (or tried to seek out) explanations. Until now.




  1. Was he sick before he passed away? If he was then maybe the fact that he was sick and possibly going to pass away soon triggered a dream about him passing away, if not then i don't know what to say except that it may have just been a coincidence, my Mom once had a weird Sleepwalk/Nightmare were she saw my Dad die, I thought for a while that it may have been a foretell of his death, but nothing happened to him. As for how the future can be foretold in dreams there's no way many people can answer that.

  2. He was already passing over to the other side and he was preparing her...

  3. i am sorry to say , but your grandfathers time was up and the black hearse was there to collect him, going the wrong way meant that he was trying to hang on, but couldn't . before people die they seam to know when there time is up. for some they try to fight it , but for some they are ready to let go. your grandfather didn't feel ready and thats why he was fighting it . you could say that death was knocking on his door and he was  trying to avoid it . but was unable to . it also seems that your family is a close one and that he didn't want to leave you all yet , but i said , he time was up .

    I hope this helps you.

    bye the way your grandfather is constantly watching you all from above

    he wants you to  not  question why

    take care    

  4. There are three kinds of dreams only:  the prophetic, from God, like the one above foretelling future events, the nightmares from the devil and those from the self, a replay of mundane, daily events.  My question is why are you so astounded that a dream could foretell future events?  

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "Hamlet", Act 1 scene 5

    Your mother must be one strong in spirit to have been sent such a vision.  May you be next.


  5. Your mother may have recognized symptoms without realizing it.  And in her review during sleep her brain put those symptoms into a dream.  If your mother had no contact then they had a special bond and she felt it coming.

    I'm sorry for your loss.  Give her your love and let her love you in return while you grieve.

  6. I agree with both Ron and DSM. They're right. Going to the wrong direction or backward means that eventually every human being will go back to where they originally came from. The soul came from a place where it's kept away from earth. So this kind of dream happens and only a family member can have it. A stranger can't have this dream because there is a connection between your mother and the grandfather.

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