Here's what I know from stealing her mail, I know it's wrong.
She has at least $30,000 on six credit cards that I know about.
My Dad knows, has tried to get her counselling for years, recently got her involuntarily admitted to a mental hospital for treatment for a week.
She does suffer from maniac depression or something like that, I'm not sure.
She doesn't care, doesn't want to help herself, believes she can gamble whatever she wants whenever she wants because it's her money.
She treats me like c**p. She yells at me and expects me to cook and clean for my brother and her because she's at work at two jobs.
I don't think it's fair, she only needs to work two jobs to repay her credit cards.
My family could easily get along with her working one, or a bit harder but still live, without her working at all.
I have given up, and my father and I are moving out.
I wish I had a mother, but as far as I am concerned, I don't.
Is there hope? Is anyone else in a simlar situation? Any advice? Best to just cut ties and get along with the rest of my life?
Thanks a lot guys.