
My mother has all these weird health-crazes that she follows... and they change weekly!!?

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I've had it up to here with her! Every week it is a new thing, "We need to do a colon cleanse," "We need to eat seaweed," "We can't drink water with our meals because water causes acid reflux," etc., and it is driving me frigging insane.

What makes it worse is that once day she'll say that you CAN'T do something, and then the next, it'll be that you can ONLY do that thing -- it's like, make up your mind!!

She hears all this c**p on infomercials too, so it is obvious that it is just c**p that she is hearing.

How can I get her to stop doing this? It would be fine if she did it with her own life, but she tries to critique me -- this week her new thing is that we're not supposed to eat meat, so because I ate a hamburger, I guess that it is her opinion that I will die now. AHHH!! I could just strangle her!

She is constantly dehydrated (because she refuses to drink water because she thinks it'll cause acid reflux) to the point where she can barely eat because her throat is so dry, she is exhausted because she stays up until 12 am and then gets up early for work, etc., she just doesn't take care of herself.

Ooops, hold on, as I'm typing this she just screamed out, "Iodine is essential in the fight against thyroid problems and breast cancer," meaning that she must have heard that on TV today.

How do I get her to stop? This is driving me crazy. Seriously.

Thanks, I'll pick a best answer TODAY!




  1. You have to face the fact your mother is not the smartest person in the world. She is easily influenced and not very bright. If you can get her to a Dr that might help, she should be drinking water or she will endanger her health (as you have stated). Go with her to the Dr and tell him whats going on and make sure he explains the dangers of these health fads to her.

  2. You can't change others - especially a parent, but you can change your attitude. You mom just needs to be heard -  "Gee mom, I wasn't aware of that"  "That's interesting, I will keep it in mind" "oh, I didn't realize that!"  Just hear her, and agree and you'll both be happy.

  3. Sometimes it is necessary for people to go through all these senseless claims to come to a point of realizing they dont work. But I agree where it comes to you personally it is a huge problem. You live with her? hopefully not. I dont think you can do much except limit exposure to her during these times.    ( Colon cleanse has no value. the colon has its own natural flora of bacteria which is necessary for balance   Print out a statement showing her that if her urine is not pale yellow-not concentrated dark, she is dehydrated .The iodine thing is right though as far as using iodized salt is good-but the breast cancer thing is not valid) Research studies can skew things to say what they want. Can you divert her attention from news to doing something else with her time-volunteering somewhere?

  4. at the end of every day do a research on the topic she has some what come up as DANGEROUS and show her the results or take her to a doctor and make him diagnose her!! seems like shes obsesive compulsive about this thing, and its not normal, or else she is just a paranoid person and wants to keep you all safe, but it will drive you nuts if not addressed or seen to! good luck!xx im 24 and my granny drives me nuts about the olden days and not the golden days as in NOW lol!!

  5. Unfortunatley I'm a bit like you mum (not just as bad) people just don't take any notice at all now and I just do what I want and have relaxed and don't hassle anyone now. Try telling her then ignore her if that doesn't work. Mothers are supposed to annoy you anyway:)  Good Luck

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