
My mother has enherited the title Marchioness, can i call myself Marquis?

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Hi, my half aunt married a Marquis and both have died of old age with no children. My mother was left the title of Marchioness. does that mean as a British citizen i can use my mother's new title?




  1. You can call yourself anything you want.

  2. How is it possible that your mother inherit the title of Marchioness if your aunt was the one who married a Marquis??? As far as I know, nobility titles are not "transferable" from sister to sister... only from parents to offspring.

    If your mother was to inherit any nobility titles, it will be from her father, not from her siblings, and her title is not transferable to her children, unless she also marries a man with his own nobility title. Nobility titles are not carried from the female line. You will only inherit nobility titles from your father and him from his father and forth.

    If your aunt was a commoner and she married a Marquis, her title is only a "courtsey title." A courtesy title may mislead those unacquainted with the system into thinking that they have substantive titles.

    A substantive title (or substantive peerage) is a title of nobility or royalty held by someone (normally by one person alone), which they gained through either grant or inheritance, as opposed to one given or loaned to them either as a courtesy title, or gained through marriage.

  3. No,as the child of a Marchioness you may use the title next down that your parent possesses if you are the heir.  And it is usually your father who gives his children the hereditary rights to a title,not your mother.Otherwise,younger children use "Lord" or "Lady" in front of the given names/surnames.And as a male,in Britain,you don't use "Marquis" you use "Marquess."

  4. You can call yourself Florence Queen of the Cat People for all we care. Time to do away with all this titles rubbish.

  5. Where is the title from?

    Some countries have bought peerage not worth much as peerage.

    But value is what value does, rarity increases value, like the highest you can get is duke and duchess in a royal family as a relative or awarded one as a friend.

    Basically, why would you want something creating a whole lot of troubles, given that this would be desired but not sought after what is it worth? Only what someone is willing to pay?

    Supposing having inheritted an inherittable peerage, didnt The Labor party in UK remove heradatory peerage simply because the parliament had a lot of free loaders not turning up to do their paid work, but with all the voice overs, can we now trust what the media tell us in what appears to be taken out of context and misreported, what does peerage add to you as a person if you have a low self esteem an important person with a low self esteem? What value can you add to the monarch who gave you the inheritance as a team effort is perhapa a more worthy question, in terms of personal development and why? or better still why not? For surely are you not justifying your own existance in a modern world where given office environments of stables where those in charge excluded all others by learning to keep their own job by the politics of blame or being highly creative, is that not a definition of psychopath? Be aware of what happens how and why, not because intefreing but because the world becomes a better more valuable place.

  6. In the UK, women cannot (with very few exceptions) inherit titles. Your mother would not inherit the title it would have passed to your half-aunt's husband's nearest male relative, not your mother. If there was no male relative the title would have passed back to the Crown.

  7. No, your title would be .. The Honourable ...

  8. NO WAY.

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