
My mother-in-law gave my 16 month old a peanut butter sandwich.?

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I remember specifically telling her he cannot have nuts until age 2....which is what the dr said.

Should i be worried?




  1. what a dumbass...

  2. take her on the jeremy kyle show :D

  3. NO-

  4. A mother in law that doesn't listen? Really? (haha)

    I would think that if there were any adverse side effects, your child would have reacted right away- sounds like he/she didn't have any major issues (you don't seem panicked) so you shouldn't worry, it'll be OK.

  5. I would talk with your mother in law.  She needs to know that she has to follow your rules or she won't be able to be with him unsupervised.

  6. At my daughters 1 year check up her pediatrician said that she could have peanuts.

  7. If he has no other allergies, he's fine.  (The risk of allergy at this age is very low.)  You do want to avoid whole nuts until age 2, because they are a choking hazard, but recent research has found no benefit in routinely avoiding allergins in children without a personal/family history of allergy.

  8. well my little brother has a very severe allergy to peanuts, and he was given it at a young age, and it proved that he was peanut allergic, it may be a good idea to get him tested for nut and other allergies too

    hope i helped!

    ~kelsey xoxo

  9. No, you shouldn't worry.  If there's no history of allergies in your family and he didn't have a reaction it's no big deal.

    My daughter has had peanut butter since she was nine months old. The cut-off is usually one, not two.

  10. mother-in-laws. what r ya gunna do?

    i remember seeing this on Dr Phil. Big family blow out over a sanga. tsk tsk.

    if he hasn't reacted yet, no worries. keep an eye on him just in case.

    tell her off.

  11. MIL's are NOTORIOUS for giving babies food behind mom's back! It's maddening!

    He'll be fine though. If anything, some indigestion. Reactions to nut allergies are usually pretty severe, you would have known already if he were allergic. I wouldn't be too concerned, but if you want just give your doctor a call and ask.

    When my son was 4 months old he was very lactose-intolerant and we were at MIL's house. She had him in the kitchen with her and we were in the living room. She all of a sudden yells "Come into the kitchen if you want to see your son eating his first real food!" I was like, WTF?

    I go in there and she's feeding him Vanilla Pudding.

    Oh I let her have it.

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