My husband and I have been separated since march, we have 2 children and I am their primary care taker, supporter, therapists, full time mom and I run a business. They are 10 yrs old twins ( boy and girl). My husband is on medication and I am not. My husband and I have been recently trying to work out our differences and he has been spending alot of time at my house with me and the kids. Last night my son comes in the kitchen and says he has a headache can he have a pill, the night before last he asked me for a pill to help him go to sleep. This has all happened since my mother-in-law kept them one day when I was working and my daughters eyes were red and puffy and she gave her a benedryl (pink and white capsule) and she slept all day. Now they say "can I have a pill"? My husband is freaking out and I am trying to explain to him this is not something that has been going on forever, this is a new thing, and it was since they went to his mothers and he is angry, and confused and thinks that I have been giving them pills. He has a bad history of addiction and is afraid this is the writing on the wall. But he is making me feel like he is just wanting to blame me and says I am trying to blame it on someone other than myself. How should I handle this, I don't want to hurt anyones feelings and I have not been giving my children pills(for gods sake) and they don't even understand what it sounds like. I have explained to them if they have trouble sleeping a "pill" is not the answer, and to read or I read to them. They are only 10! But he is truly going overboard with his assumptions and accusations.