
My mother in law has a 15 year old dog this mornin he cant get up like hi?

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he cant get up he actsw like he is parilized.she wont get him put down...whats ur allss advice for helping her cope




  1. this is a sad situation, your mom really needs to take the dog to the vet and get their opinion before deciding to actually putting him down. there maybe a simple solution for him. or sadly enough, he may need to be kindly euthinized. no matter how it is put to your mother, it is going to be a hard choice, putting her best friend of 15 yrs to sleep. right now all you can do is be there for her, and support her in what she decides, if she does have the dog put down. perhaps you can find a way to help her remember him, put together a small yet special photo album of the dog and your family. and each time you go over it, you can recall what a good dog he was, and how much you loved him. hope i helped..

  2. i hate to say it but its better for the dog to be put down.its probally very ill and is suffering to will die on its own eventualy so why not dont let it has had a full life.tell her to buy a new one it will help her to get over it.

  3. You need to explain to her that he no longer has quality of life. She will be helping him not to suffer any more. I know how hard it is to lose them, and how hard it is to have to make that decision. But I have seven dogs now, and I would never let any of them suffer, and I have never let any of them in the past suffer. Ask her to let him to to the rainbow bridge so he can be happy again.

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