
My mother-in-law is 77 years old and legally blind. Howver she refuses to stop driving.?

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She has a new Honda Civic. Is there anyway I can disable her car without damaging it.




  1. Disconnect the battery.  If that's too obvious, gunk up the connection to the battery with a little bit of grease.  Or replace the battery with an uncharged one.

  2. Pull the + battery cable off the battery.... no juice, no go.  Or if you want the battery to still work (so she isn't so suspicious), pull the plug wires off of the coil or off the plugs (but make sure you note where each plug goes on the coil if you go that route - putting them back in the wrong spots on the coil will damage the engine.)

    A more permanent step would be to notify the local police department of your concern.  Most times, a police officer will be willing to show up at her front door and explain to her that she shouldn't / can't be driving any more.  You might even be able to get the PD to revoke her license (which may help stop her from driving unless she drives without a license already)

  3. make her take the driving test or if you have too, sit her down and tell her about what you think and believe there is a threat that she is driving to others like kids

  4. Whatever you do to disable the car, leave a note hidden there there for her mechanic, explaining the situation.

    (@gatordawg: He never said she still had a license, just that she was still driving.)

  5. Disconnect the battery.

  6. I would think at 77 it wouldnt be too hard to just take her keys away?  Or if you need to , let all the air out of her tires?  Take off the battery wires... there are many things that would be easy to do.

  7. Disconnecting the battery might stop her for a while but if you remove the main maxi fuse from under the hood she will never know what to do or look for, you will find it in the main fuse box......

  8. get the keys .

  9. I don't know where you are, but where I am, after the age of 70 you're legally required to be tested every year in order to renew your license. Also, here, if you're diagnosed with being legally blind (or any change in your eyesight as noted by an Opthamologist) the Opthamologist is legally required to inform the DMV of your condition. If the laws are similar where you are, I can't understand how your mother-in-law is able to actually possess a driver's license.

  10. Just take away her car or her car keys to prevent her from driving. Tell the DMV or police to revoke her license, so she can't drive. Persuade her that it's too dangerous & offer to drive her around.


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