
My mother-in-law !some who really bothers me.!

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i live in dubai..she lives in an other country.everytime she calls me she say someting to make me nervouse.also my husband het tired of her.i didnt sleep last night because of her saying.she is the old stupid religous woman.what shall i do?




  1. Let your phone take the messages. Let her son return her calls. You are lucky to live in Dubai!!! I saw a program on it and Sheik Mohammed is very wise and has made a exciting city

  2. Be polite when your mother in law calls, talk to her a few minutes, then let your husband talk to her. You keep your conversations short with her, no sense in letting her upset you. All mother in laws mean well, but some times they, say things, that they should not.  

  3. EVERYBODY has mother-in-law problems. just deal with it. she is not going to stop. trust me. (from my experience)

  4. Most of us have Mother in-law problems. Just consider the source and live your life with your husband. Do not let her cause you any more problems and please don't blame you husband. Ignore her and have as little to do with her that you can. When you do have to deal with her be nice even if you don't mean it. It will pay off in the long run and you will be happier.  

  5. Your grammar and wording are so horrible in this question I can't even tell what you are asking about.  Good luck though!

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