
My mother-in-law wants to be my Facebook friend, but I don't want her to be mine!?

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The friends I have on my Facebook page are college friends, cool folks I have met over the years, etc. I also have two of my husband's relatives (cool cousins) as FB friends... and I added their (cool) mom, too. Well, that was a mistake, because now my mother-in-law wants to be my friend on FB.

She seems to have created her own account just to see mine, not for her own socializing... She's actually using a fake name on FB -- a derivation of her own name, e.g. "Susannah Jones" instead of Susan Jones", so it is unlikely that other folks will even find her...

I don't really want her to see all my boxes, etc.

Plus, I want to be able to keep posting replies to comments on my page, instead of sending messages to FB friends privately, because there are lots of friend groups and I want this to be a socializing space.


WTF do I do?




  1. You must be a self centred person to think she'd build her own profile "just to see yours"

    Lots of people use derivations of their real names on the's commonplace & actually a really sensible thing to do...for the reason that it can thwart ID thieves, which, by the way, is becoming a huge problem on the net.

    The huge personal amount of information people type/post into these social networking sites, the much easier it is for someone to steal your ID/impersonate you on other sites.

    But then again, if you feel she's 'cramping your style' don't add her...

    There's really only 2 paths you can choose here ~ & it's your choice, not the people here on Y/A who don't know either you or her.

  2. I totally agree with you...that's creepy and a little too close for comfort! I feel that the only reason she wants to do that is to "check on you". Ick---good luck! I wouldn't add her.

  3. There is no such thing as posting something on the internet and assuming your mother-in-law, or anyone else who choses to try, won't find it. If you're not misbehaving, there's no reason you shouldn't be an open book. And, if you are misbehaving, cut it out!

  4. tell her you can't add any more people or tell her that you did add her something must have happened an went awry lol I won't let my mother in law be my FB friend either and it has nothing to do with my husband he sees my FB pages all the time some things are just personal

  5. Friend her so she gets the notification then unfriend her

  6. Grow up. It would hurt her feelings if you declined her friendship request. Just accept her as your friend. If she isn't going to use her account in the correct way, I'm sure she'll get bored with it. I doubt that she's so obsessed with you that she's just going to sit on her computer all day and see what you're up to. To stay on good terms with your mother-in-law and your husband, I recommend you get over your little dramatic situation.

  7. You are really rude. What have you got to hide? Are you afraid that she may see something on face book that would question your relationship with your husband?

  8. only allow her to see your limited profile! you just say 'confirm' the hit the down arrow and say limited profile  

  9. I wouldn't like it if my MIL wanted to be my FB friend either.  Open a new account and leave all your friends on the old account, add your mother in law and then leave it inactive.  Have all of your friends secretly move to your new account (and stay on your old account) and start using the new one.  If she asks why your account is inactive just tell her you lost interest in FB.

  10. Quietly, and without fanfare, tell the others on your Facebook account, that you are starting another account. Then put them in this new account. After doing so, then delete the 'old account.' Tell your mother-in-law that you appreciate her desire to join  your account, but you have decided NOT to continue with it. If she is 'slick' and is using a phony name, then she deserves no explanation. She doesn't sound as though she is a sincere friend of yours. I believe also that you can mark your account private so do this immediately. Let no one demand anything from you, that you are unwilling to give. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31 The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19.  Peace!!!

  11. MWAHAHA your mother in law is sure something! well, what i would do is you keep her on the waiting list. dont say yes, dont say no. just dont reply. when your mother in law comes to you in person or talks to you and asks about this, say ' there must have been a glitch! i didnt get anythingg.....' because things like that do happen. and its not a LIE its a white lie, a lie to protect a feeling =]

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