
My mother is always talking side ways but wants me to remain cool with her please read?

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Ok I love my mom..but she works my last nerves..she is so judgemental but never take a look at her ownself and so forth...ok...she says she likes my boyfriend but she always talking side ways saying smart alec beep about his weight or saying he handsome but he better be glad u with him (because he have kids and a ex-wife that's a spiteful witch towards him) today she complaining about her ex-boyfriend that end up being just a room mate she bickering and saying if i could do it over i would never let a man move in with me it's hard to get them boyfriend lives with me and the way she emphasize it she seem like she trying to tell me on the sneak to get him out my apt oh yeah im getting my apt painted and starting to move stuff today she barking What that Ni@#$@ didn't help yesterday thats the negative out her mouth im like no because i decided to start today then he will starting to be more smart about dealing with my money she like u was never so cheap until you met more smart and have been managing money better even before i met him she figure cause i have him now that she can just ask me for money and other stuff but when i was single she didn't ask it p**s me because he cooked for her about three times she love it but one time i gave her some dumplings he made she like they greesy and how im gonna be fat just like him if i keep it up, he bought her clothing on xmas, mother's day, took her out for dinner on her b-day even thinking about taking all of us to the beach before labor day which she wanted to do..she don't act stank towards him but it p**s me off that she is two faced towards me he isn't a perfect man and lord knows we had many disagreements but I feel she is in the wrong for being two can i resolve this without me having to body slam her lol...she working my nerves!




  1. Explain to her that this is your relationship and if she doesn't have anything nice to say, then don't say nothing at all.  Don't let your mom "use" your boyfriend especially if she always has something smart to say later.

  2. You are just about to make the biggest mistake of your life. If I where your Mother I would be stressed to. Just cause she might LIKE your BF does not mean she wants you living with him. Why won't he marry you? She is trying to tell you, YOU ARE s******g UP, DON"T DO IT, YOU WILL BE SORRY YOU WILL REGRET THIS,  But she is not, she is holding it in, she is going to let you make the mistake and HOPEFULLY learn  from it. Also, if you where my daughter, I would hope you would try to body slam me, then I could take out my frustrations with you. Oh, and your Mom loves you more than she likes him.

  3. You and your mom have a lot of growing up to do

  4. Your boyfriend should not have to deal with this, even if he's not around to hear it.  You two are a couple and have to stick up for each other.  Keep him away from your mom, she's going to far in her treatment of him.  Talk to her and ask her specifics about why she's saying these things about him.  It could be that she sees or knows something that you don't.  She is your mother and maybe thinks that she is protecting you, but name calling is definitely not the answer.

  5. how DARE yo' moms be acting STANK tord hims!!

  6. You just have to be an adult.  Let her know that you understand that she doesn't like him and has her concerns.  You also realize he isn't perfect.  However, when she talks badly about him and puts him down, it just upsets you and isn't helping anything.  Let her know that you love him and are choosing to be with him and you need her love and support and not her negative c**p.  Let her know that if she continues like this it is going to put a strain on your relationship with her and you will be spending less time with her.  

    On the other hand, when you're upset on angry with him, you can't go tell her because she will just use it against you later and it will make her like him even less.

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