
My mother is being mean to me?

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I just mentioned to my mother the other day about some old man that was on tv..that he looked like her brother and she went on saying that some really ugly guy looks like my ex-boyfriend.I was shocked because she pretended that she wasn't offended but she clearly mentioned his name on purpose.I really don't know what is going on.I thought it was very immature thing from her part.




  1. Is there a point to all of this?  

  2. I think you understand your mother, she lived in other times ♣

  3. Oh no , I think you are being g*y , you should fix your attitude too. She is your mother and ofcourse she loves you , why u being a ***** posting **** about her on yahoo.. seriously get a life


  4. ask her about it, maybe she was in a really bad mood?

  5. tell  here  to stop

  6. your uncle is such a jerk

  7. So you are about...13?

  8. Let me say my point as a growen up maybe your uncle did some bad things to your mother when they was young.It was all wrong for your uncle to put that in you sister drink.If that was my child he did that i would of be the c**p of of him or called the police.With out knowing you or your family it is hard to say why she went off on you.Maybe you should and have a talk with her then tell her how it made you feel.Parent are'nt always right for doing that and maybe theres is a bigger problem that you dont know about.So until you know be a little understanding about things and people.

  9. grow up loser. why do you try to make your mom feel like c**p.  

  10. so push her down the stairs!!

  11. dude thats messed up

  12. Tell your mum it offended you and that she is being immature

  13. My mother is always acting like that, she makes rude remarks and the odd comparison to my friends or boyfriend. She also takes things very personally, and so I try my best to keep the conversation civil. Mom's are like that sometimes, my mother says being a parent's hard sometimes and she misses having the freedom of saying something rude without being a bad role model. You really have to start ignoring the comments and maybe not make comparisons to her brother or family.

  14. My mom talks all kinds of trash about her siblings, but when I have an opinion about my brothers or sisters she goes n**i on me and calls me a bad person, because I "criticize" them.  Double standard or hypocrisy?

    She even brags about telling her dad, not to love one of her brothers, because he was "dark and ugly", and not "blond and pretty" like her.

    Try not to imitate or copy those bad traits from her, they are not things to be proud of!

  15. I dont think that was mean.

    Just let it go , dont read too much into it.

  16. It sometimes catches us off-guard when we get a response from someone that we were totally not expecting.  I think your statement suprised your mother, and she perceived it as a negative statement, a put-down.  Her response was a defensive and negative statement to show you how your statement affected her.  And of course, through communication that is unclear and cloudy for both speaker and receiver, misunderstanding occurs and leaves each person feeling badly.

    It may be that your statement in your question, "I really don't know what is going on" may be the key to your dilemma.  If you feel this way about the situation, then most likely mom feels this way, too.  It may be beneficial to discuss the issue with her, using a calm voice with no blaming, anger, or negative feelings.....but, rather, ask her questions about HOW she felt when she heard what you had said, WHAT she felt emotionally (sad, angry, hurt, etc.), WHAT she experienced physically (such as a stomach tightness, rapid breathing, pounding heart..), and WHY your statement may have evoked this type of response.  

    It is typical that when our parent sees that you as her child wants to clear a matter up to get rid of misunderstandings and miscommunication, and that you truly care about what and how you say something to her in order for it to be interpreted and received right, the parent will also portray her feelings as being the same.  With both of you wishing to understand what happened in the conversation, there will be resolution of negative emotions and impressions, replaced by understanding, insight, and growth.  

  17. Is she schitzophrenic? Schizos do that. They will be nice one minute and then be weird and mean the next. Watch the movie Sybil and if you see similarities - you should send her to a therapist.

  18. absolutely it was immature. u should tell her how that made u feel and ask her why she said what she did. explain that u meant no offense - this should make her reflect on why she was so defensive.

    even if she gains and realises nothing, then at least u have that off your chest and are able to keep the reality - that u did nothing wrong  

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