
My mother is coming to my wedding but she doesnt get along with the rest of the family.

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I want her there because she is my mother but one in the family likes her because her attitude with them is not nice, kind or even polite. At first she gave me an ultimatum and said that she wont come if certain family members are there, then a few days later she calls me and apologizes and says she will be there no matter what. Like I said, it would be nice to have my mother there but I am seriously stressed that she or another family member will pick a fight on the special day. Any advice?




  1. well tell her this mom if you are going to come to my wedding then you are not going to pick a fight with any of are family members. forget about them just do it for me this is my special day and i don't want anyone to rune it. and tell her i love you and give her a hug.

    now answer my question.

  2. I would have a seroius talk with her before the wedding and tell her that this is your day not hers and that she needs to suck it up long enough to get throught the wedding and not be selfish and ruin your day by getting an attitude with other family members.

  3. I have the same problem with my family. just make sure she doesn't sit near those certainn people that she metioned.

  4. Just warn the rest of your family and ask them for the sake of your wedding to please bite their tongues when it comes to your mom. Be sure to say pleeeaaase. Then talk to your mom and say the same thing in a way she agree to. Say "just while your here for the wedding mom -OK? Tell them it's just one day you don't want to stress out

  5. just tell  here

  6. Similar situation at my wedding.. Put her at a table with the people she most likely WILL get along with and then put someone, like the Best Man, in charge of keeping an eye on her.  If she starts any trouble, his job is to whisk her out of the place so that your day isn't ruined and no one is embarrassed.  Congratulations, and good luck!

  7. i would place her at a table with people she would get along with or can put up with a abrasive attitude

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