my mother started getting pain like 3 years ago, docs keep telling her its arthritis but shes youngish and plus it wasnt gradual like the way arthritis is...i feel like it might be fibromyalgia but i hear that it doesn't make your joints swell, i dont know what i might be but shes in so much pain all the time i just feel it my gut that it is not arthritis, they have checked her for gout and other stuff, i think it might be either lupus or fibromyalgia..but does anybody have some ideas of what else it could be aside from arthrites...just to see, cause i really dont believe she has bfs mom has arthities and he says its not it and when i read about it just doesnt add up but these docs are so sure, but i feel that its not that..anybody have something similar or a loved one? or just any pain disorders? it just started 3 years ago it comes strong then dulls down then comes back, shes in good shape shes not heavy, she doesnt smoke and eats good.