
My mother is typical?

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what to do ,she does not cook ,she does not keep house cleanly,even if i tell about that she is not bothered,whats more is that she always shouts and easily gets irritated and more for that is overprotective and and introvert though she talks nicely to our some family members,but how the h**l can we stand with her (plz dont give silly answers) thx in advance




  1. Sorry but your question comes off sounding like your disappointed because your mother doesn't wait on you hand and foot. How old are you? Are you capable of helping out around the house some? Does your mom work? Does she have any health or mental problems? A lot of people don't realize how much work goes into keeping up the house. It sometimes seems like an impossible task to clean house when you barely have the energy or willpower to stand up straight.

    On the other hand, maybe your mother has a much higher tolerance for an unclean house than you do. If you don't like your present situation you could try helping her out around the house so that she starts to remember how nice having a clean house feels. Maybe then she may not want to go back to living the way that she was before. There's a website that has a lot of useful tips for making housework easier.

  2. Um, no your Mom is not typical, who told you she was typical?

    God Bless.

  3. You're mother isn't typical...but nobody's perfect. I just learned yesterday that I'll never be able to cook a good dinner..just macaroni and cheese and the usual microwavables!! My best friend can't keep ANYTHING clean no matter how hard she tries...your mom is human and has her flaws. I have mood swings and get irritated really easily too but people still love me because they look beyond the flaws. She's your mother. Wait the torture out until you're 18 and then move out....but you'll get over her attitude when you're gone and miss her. My mother is a terrible person but I love her and it's unconditional. I'd say tell her how you feel and ask her give you some space but remember that she's your mom. You'll live through this...

  4. you don't say how old she is, is it possible she's going through the change of life or just starting too. It's not normal to be like this daily, every once in a while, yes but not daily. Get her a complete physical to make sure there is nothing wrong with her.

    Best of luck to you

  5.    There's no such thing as a typical mother these days in regard to cooking or house cleaning. I'm 48 yrs. old and a mom. It sounds like maybe your mom could be depressed. Did she used to cook, keep house, not be as irritated? Try a little patience with her and ask her if there's anything you can do to help. You could also have an older family member or family friend speak with her. I understand it's not easy for you now with her, but think about her for a second, she just might be having a tough time of it herself and not sure how to handle it. Parent's are people too. There's a lot of pressure in being a parent and kids don't realize that, all you know is my mom/dad is nuts so you think. By helping your mom you'll also be helping yourself.  
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