
My mother is/was a heavy drinker, now shes paying for it...

by Guest65403  |  earlier

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My mother drank VERRRRRRY heavily when I was younger and still drinks now. Shes trips over her words constantly. She repeats herself all the time, like...she doesnt remember that shes said it about 5 times already or somethin. She bruises easily, she wakes up with bruises all over her body. She says she throws up blood sometimes, and sometimes has diarrea and throwing up at the same time. She has seizures often...sometimes like 4 or 5 a day. Is all this happening because of all her heavy drinking?




  1. OMg she has all the symptoms of lukemia!! take her th hospital now! SHe could DIE@!!!

  2. if i wher you i would have her committed to detox!!! take her to court and have her commited to detox against her will!!!! if you love her you will do this!

  3. Ok i saw Ivans answer an please dont freak out.  I know its easy to.  I have a lot of people in my life that i care about that are heavy drinkers.  It's a horrible thing and yes it could very possibly be all related to drinking.  Ask her if she has problems peeing or anything of the sort.  I have quite a bit of experience and may be able to give you more advice if i knew more.  Feel free to message or email me.

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