
My mother passed about 6 years ago and i have recurring nightmares that she is trying to kill me. why?

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My mother passed about 6 years ago and i have recurring nightmares that she is trying to kill me. why?




  1. well it maybe she wants to kill u so u can go to heaven with her :D

  2. its b/c she loves u that much & doesn't wanna let u go so she wants to take u w/ her,u should c a therapist though 2 express ur feelings........good luck

  3. You are being haunted or you are insane.  

  4. Perhaps your subconscious is beating you up.  Are you doing something that you know your mom would not approve of?

  5. Your mom does not represent herself, rather some quality or idea that you link with her. The fact that "she" is trying to kill you relates to that quality or idea killing you or putting a lot of stress on you. It can also mean your actions and your emotions are disconnected. Basically, it sounds like this is a stress dream. Really reflect on what is going on in your life and think about what your mother represents to you. Then you can pinpoint the stress and remove it from your life.

  6. It's an issue of unconscious guilt. Obviously you have nothing but my deepest sympathies for your loss, however my explanation may sound unsympathetic.

    To put it as simply as I can; your mather has died and you obviously miss her. At some point in your grief you felt a feeling that you could or should have done more to help her, or at least ease her passing. (Again I am very sorry if I sound brash, I mean no offence).

    As a result you have this image in your dreams your mother out for revenge for the fact that you didn't do enough for her, so as a result this woman who was a symbol of love in your life has, so far as your unconscious is concerned, come to hate you. The fact that this isn't true doesn't matter.

    It's nothing serious, it's just that your unconscious has finally had enough of feeling guilty (this isn't something you can control, so it's in no way attributable to your conscious self) so it's brought it to your conscious attention. All you need to do is remember that you did nothing wrong and theoretically this dream should stop troubling you.  

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