
My mother scammed my brothers and I out of some money. Should I sue?

by Guest66573  |  earlier

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In 1983 my folks got divorced. In lieu of child support my father gave her a 3 family home that brought in 3000 a month in rental income.

In the divorce decree it stated that if the house was sold before we turned 18, we would get a portion of the sale (30%) I believe. She sold the house for 775,000.

She never gave us a dime. Didn't pay a rent sent for us to go to school. All 4 kids were kicked out before the age of 18. I have not spoken to her in years. She is neglectful and in the past physically abuse. We spent 3 yrs in foster care due to neglect and child abuse. (She tried to kill me and left me on the school steps in a pool of vomit and blood).

My brothers never wanted to sue (let by gone's be by gone's) But now I am angry. She has since remarried to a man 15 yrs her junior and she is putting him thru school for a second time. The money from the house was for us to go to college.

For yrs. she has promised to repay the money but never did. I am man and I want to sue her for my portion. Please advise.




  1. Of course you can sue.

    Give these details to your attorney, along with copies of the appropriate documentation (e.g., divorce decree).

    If you do not yet have an attorney, get information from the state bar association or the county bar association in your community.  Most have a lawyer referral service.

    After you obtain advice from your attorney, decide whether you want to sue.

  2. Take her to court, make sure you can document everything before hand though.

  3. You sound like you have a case.  Please go ahead and sue her and I am sure she will cough up the money for settlement. (she is a poor story for a mother).  Seek legal advise. Goodluck!

  4. What a *****.  Sue her.

  5. build a good case and sue. or else you will always regret that you didn't stand up for yourself and react to this madness.

  6. You can sue anybody for anything, but whether you should sue your mother, only you and your brothers can decide.  From what you say, I would advise you to sue, if the house was sold before you, or any of your brothers, turned eighteen.   She sounds like a real winner...not!  I wish you luck and, whether you win, or not, urge you to find a way to attend college or vocational school.  

  7. most likely you can not sue because its from 25 years ago  and if your able to sue whats to say she has any money left  


  9. just sue, it said that u will get the money, get that on writing and sue cause she kicked u out and never gave u money, if i was u i would be pissed off

  10. h**l yes sue her. I never had a mother but if I had one like yours I'd feel much better off not having had one. Some people aren't worth their salt.  You'll be lucky if you get anything from her if she's that type of person. All she'd have to do is file bankruptsy and you'd be out of luck. She'll answer for her sins on judgement day!

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