
My mother thinks it could be ovarian cancer????????????

by  |  earlier

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the last month i have been getting vague abdominal pain lower back pain fatigue bloated peeing a lot very bad nausea, gas and at times bad indigestion i have not got my period as i only get them 2 times a year i have Pcos also and was diagnosied 7 years ago but have never had any symptoms, now with this i dont know if i should be worried as i dont wan to look so stupid walking in and goin into my docs goin i want to be tested for ovarian cancer, im only 29. do you think its possible shes right?




  1. you need to go to the doctor.  Anything is possible.  and 29 is not too young.  Lost my good friend to breast cancer at 38!

  2. are you sure you cant be pregnant a lot of your symptoms seem really similar and a lot of people don't show signs of pregnancy till late a girlfriend of mine didn't know she was pregnant till after 10 weeks

  3. Go see your Dr & tell him/her your symptoms,they will send you off for various test ultrasound etc.A dr can't tell just by the symptoms whether it is ovarian cancer or not,it disappoints me to hear that your mother is diagnosing you just from symptoms,if that is what she feels you have why hasn't she taken you to the Dr already.You mentioned you had unprotected s*x you could even have a STD,so having protected s*x is recommended for many reasons.I'm sure you don't want an unplanned pregnancy or AIDS or any other STD.

  4. If it was Ovarian cancer most of the time women will bleed quite alot as thats what ovarian cancer does. Do not worry. You do sound like you have pregnancy symptoms but dont worry about the doctor, thats what he is there for. Its your health, go and take care of it.

  5. it wont hurt to check, do it and get it off your mind

  6. I think that she is not a doctor and until you have tests done you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Go to a gyno.

  7. go to the gyno. Have u been sexualy active if so ur r proboly pregnant

  8. Seeing how nobody her can preform a checkup on you no.

    GO to your doctor.

    cancer is scary but people sometimes jump to blaming it far to often there is a slew of conditions that fit your description.

    people like to use the c-word to make  it sound as though they know as much as any doctor

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