
My mother threw coke in my husbands face and called him a piece of sh**! I am so mad at her what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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She despises my husband and always has for the past 13 years. I have no clue why???She got mad at him for moving some of her stuff that she has stored in OUR garage, and accused him of stealing one of my late uncles books...My husband doesn't own any books...She told him that he has sucked the life out of me, and he was lazy and a piece of sh**. I am so mad at her right now, I haven't spoken to her in 5 days. I don't want to talk to her..She has always done this to me, and I am sick of it. Why can't she accept that I have a good life, 2 beautiful children, and a husband that is very good to me? I don't get it???




  1. yer mom got problems no offense but she shud check a psycologist  

  2. Oh my, Could she be jealous? Don't expect her to change. You are the one who will have to not allowing her into your life. I would not put up with her crazy behavior! Good Luck. :-)

  3. Your Mother was totally out of line , and you should tell her so in no uncertain terms . You should also let her know that you married him and now you and he are one , so if she insists on doing such things that she needs to realize she is doing the same to you though not physically . Tell her that if she insists on acting that way to your husband and you , then she will no longer be welcome in your house or around your kids . The marriage vows said to leave you father and mother and cling to one another . Tough choice , but one your mother is going to have to make and accept the consequences of her choice .

  4. stay out of it ... whatever feud they have it's between them and make sure they both know that you don't want any involvement. I've had a long-time feud with my paternal mother and my father made it very clear that he does not want to be involved. Because of that, his mother and I have calmed down in our battle.

    Also, if you haven't spoken to her and feel better off, then maybe you shouldn't talk to her

  5. stay away from her

  6. You should use tough LOVE.  Write your mother a letter explaining how you feel, and that enough is enough. Tell her she must except it rather she likes it r not. if she loves you and your children shell put up with him when around. let her know it is her last chance, if she blows it you will no longer speak to her. This happen to me and my husband. and it worked. my mother may not like him, but when their around each other my mom puts on a happy face.

  7. Easy answer:  Have nothing to do with her for a long period of time.  Absolutely nothing.  You have to cut her off.  Sounds like no other way is going to wake her up.

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