
My mother to walk me own the aisle?

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So my wedding is in a little over a week. My father who has been an alcoholic for a long time just got court ordered to go to a rehab clinic. I didn't really want him to walk me own the aisle in the first place, so this makes my wedding much less stressful. However, I'm not sure who i should walk me down the aisle if anyone. I was going to ask my older brother whom i am very close to but he is already in the wedding party. So i'm thinking about asking my mum. Is that a good idea? Also what should i do about the father daughter dance? I was thinking i could just dance with my mother for that as well...or should I have my older brother dance with me? Any advice is much appreciated, Thanks in advance!




  1. It's your day! You do what YOU want to do! Personally...when I get married, my Grandma or brother will walk me down then aisle. As far as the dance, personally, I would dance with my brother. But...don't worry about tradition. Who cares what other people think. Like I said, it's YOUR day!

    Congratulations and Good Luck!

  2. My mother walked me down the aisle.

    My father is an alcoholic/addict as well. He put us through a lot right before the wedding. It looked like he was going to be okay, but then on the day of the wedding he decided to take a bottle of prescription sleeping pills and didn't attend. However, I was never planning on having my father walk me down the aisle in the first place. It was an honor that truly belonged to my mother. Plus my mother made me very relaxed...I knew if I would have had my dad do it then I would have been nervous and stressed out - that was definitely not the way that I wanted to be walking down the aisle.

    Everyone thought it was very sweet that my mom walked me down the aisle. Everything worked out beautifully...

    Obviously I didn't have a father/daughter dance - but I did dance with my uncle, which was very special. If you'd like you could always skip the dance or you could dance with your older brother. I think that would be nice as well.

    Either way just know that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. I think you will be glad if you decide to have your mom walk you down the aisle - I know that I was; and she really did deserve to give me away.

    Good luck to you! And enjoy your day!

  3. I think to have your mum walk you down the aisle and the dance with your brother sounds the best idea :)

  4. oh go ahead and have your mom walk you down the aisle.  i think that would be cute.  i've never been to a wedding like that.  dance with you brother for the "father" daughter dance.  people would understand.  and i'm sure it would be a lovely remember with you and your brother.

  5. yes ask mum to walk you down the aisle and have the dance with your brother. this way you have share something special with each.

    good luck.

  6. Have your mom walk you down the aisle.  Tradition has changed anyway.  You don't have to have a "dance".  Leave it out.  Do what is going to make you happy.

  7. You can skip the dance altogether. There is no rule that says you have to have it. What if you and your groom dance with the bridal party and  your families for the first dance?

    I think it is lovely for your mother to walk you down the aisle if she wants to.

    Sorry about your dad and his problems but at least he is getting help.

  8. I am getting married next year and even though my father and I have a relationship now, I chose to have my mother walk me down the aisle because she was both to me while I was growing up. It's your wedding and your day, you should do it however you the first to have a mother/daughter dance!!

  9. Your mom can walk you down and if you still want that "father-daughter dance" then your brother can fill in for you or that favorite uncle or even cousin.

    Have fun.

  10. Absolutely ask your mom to walk you down the aisle. I think that is sweet. You could dance with your brother or perhaps skip the dance part.

  11. you made the right choice by wanting your mom to walk you down the aisle. as for the father-daughter dance, you don't necessarily ave to have one if you would feel uncomfortable during it. maybe call it the sister-brother dance. but in the end, it's always your choice.

  12. have your mom walk you down, and don't do the father daughter dance with anyone. just do the first dance with your hubby and htat's it

  13. Have your mom walk you down the aisle and you could dance with your mom and your brother separate songs. I'm dancing with my father and then my mother. It will be beautiful no matter what.

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