
My mother took out a credit card for me when I was in college. 5000+. We both got sick. She is now disabled?

by  |  earlier

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An out of state law firm is giving her 30 days to respond. Do I respond? She cant even get out of her bed let alone go to a courthouse..... What should I do? I cant afford more than 100 a month to settle this.




  1. Hey you know what, some of the companies have  a clause in them that if you get disabled then they waive the whole charge on the credit card, you should really check that out and see if mom signed on to that, other then that, I am sure they will work with you on what you can pay if you tell them your current situation, they are pretty good with issues like yours, just tell them the truth and see what they say. Some of them will try to be mean and nto listen to you but I promise you that if you get the right person to listen you will be fine, dont stress it isnt worth and your mom needs you more right now then the credit card company, be strong for her and good luck to both of you.

  2. Assuming that they sent you a letter demanding payment and not a summons to court, you need to send this law firm (which is more than likely just a bunch of collection agents operating under a flunkie lawyer) a demand to validate letter. That will, at the very least, buy you a little time and at best they may not even be able to validate the debt.

    Also check the statute of limitations in your state.

    If they do win a lawsuit, it will hurt her credit but that is about the worst they could do. There are no wages to garnish (if your state even allows it), they can't touch her disability and she has no assets to take or lien.

    Edit - If her condition is so bad that she cannot speak, you might even have further legal protections there. You might consider visiting and see if one of the lawyers from there will give you a free consultation.

  3. pay it do what ever you can

    your too young to have bad credit

  4. What bank, visa, mastercard? etc... call the number on the back of the card and talk to a representative..their really helpful... ask for a membership that you can buy usually for only a couple bucks a month( insurance) in case of disibility.....hope that helps

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