
My mother won't let me get contacts? help me?

by  |  earlier

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I am turning 15 years old in November, and I think it would be a good idea for me to have contact for sophmore year. I will also be joing the dance team, and think i'd be better with contacts so my glasses won't be flailing off.

I asked my mother if I could get them and she said no because

1- she says she's not going to deal with eye infections

2- her insurance doesn't cover contacts, but they cover glasses.

I've gone through 5 pairs of glasses already and I'm done with them. I have about 20/225 vision, but I refuse to wear my glasses (they're always broken or scratchy)

How can I pursuade her? please help




  1. If you're joining dance class, get 'glasses straps/bands' instead. They will make sure your glasses don't fly off.

    To be honest, I think you'll need to show your dedication to dance class if you want to convince your mom to letting you get contacts. Why not wait until you're a little older and buy your own? (my mom was against me wearing them, so I got a part-time job at 18 and bought my own pair).

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