
My mother wont stop taking me to ireland?

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dont get me wrong i know that im a luckey girl to go alot but how do i say i wanna go some where else i dont want to hurt her feelings cuz she is obsessed with ireland




  1. Well, if you go DO NOT kiss the blarney stone. Locals go out there at night and pee on it. If youve already kissed it please wash your mouth out with scope.. Ick!  

  2. Tell your mom that Ireland has to close for two weeks so we can all take our annual holidays.  It's a new EU directive and we have to be good EU citizens and obey whatever they say in Brussels.  Also all hedgerows from Donegal to Cork have to be cut in those two weeks and we wouldn't want you getting delayed by that.

  3. I agree with the above answer - if you pay, you choose!  

  4. When you pay for the trip, you can say where you get to go.

    But until then, why not find a place that you would really like to go, do some research on it and present it to your mom. Just say, I know you love Ireland, but I was thinking maybe _____ would be better place to visit this time..., heres why. Try to make it sound so good that she will want to be there.

    If not, get a job and go on your own vacation.

  5. I'll trade moms.. I'd love to go to Ireland.

    Nah but seriously.. Next time your mom wants to take you to Ireland, maybe you could suggest that you spend some time there, and spend some o time in another area of Europe.. tell her that it'll help you develop as a person to see as much of the world as possible.

  6. For the time keep going but maybe just drop hints about how much you'd like to go to Italy/France etc. Be subtle.

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