
My mouse has respiratory infection?

by  |  earlier

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She pants and wheezes, she also seems to make clicking sounds like something is rattling around in her lungs. Her weight has drastically dropped and at times she hunches over, and squeaks like she's in pain.

But I have two problems:

Firstly, my mum doesn't believe me. She just simply believes that my mouse is grinding her teeth together to make those weird noises, and she says the squeaking is simply because she is scared. How do I convince such a stubborn mom??

And secondly, I have to wait until the weekend to take her to the vet, so what can I do during these few days? I feel horrible if I can only just sit here and watch her suffer.





  1. I understand the distress you feel. It sounds like you really want to do the best for your mouse you can. It sounds as though you are right, especially since she has dropped weight and is hunching. Those are both signs of serious illness and you should make that argument with your Mum. While it might be hard to convince her that the sounds you hear are not normal, she will be hard pressed to argue that a drastic drop in weight is.

    I do agree - ring the vet, explain the symptoms, and then have him speak with your mother. The vet will most likely be sympathetic to your situation, especially since you are being the responsible one in caring for your pet. That may convince your mum to get her to a vet immediately.

    In the mean time, you will want to get fluids into your mouse because dehydration would only compound the matter. Anything your mouse will drink is good. I mix up soy milk and fruit in a blender for mine, give them kefir, and in one case, my vet had me give a very sick rat kitten formula. If she is eating, go with more fluid than nutritional tasty options.

    Also, steam is very helpful in clearing mucus in the lungs and upper respiratory system. You can run the shower and steam up the bathroom. That is not terribly practical in the long run but it works.

    I generally put a towel down on a table, turn a small aquarium over and put my mouse or rat in there. Let it hang over the edge of the table so that there is a gap for air. With your mouse you may need to have her in a smaller cage that fits so she doesn't escape, given her size. Then I boil the kettle and put it under the gap to steam up the aquarium. It works the same as the bathroom but is more practical. Be sure not to let your mouse get into a hot billow of steam or escape, and be sure the gap is big enough that air can get in.

    Good luck!

  2. ring the vet and describe the symptons

    try to record it so your mum can hear it

    if you have any mouse books then loook in them

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