
My mouse is going bald.

by  |  earlier

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I've notice my mouse is going bald. It wasn't like that yesterday. What could be causing my mouse to go bald? I never heard of mice going bald. Do you think another mouse is doing it? She not the one who usually gets picked on.

Please help

thank you




  1. sounds like atumor to me sorry about ths go to a vet they may be able to cure it

  2. This is a sign that your mouse is either growing up or the season is changing and this is a way the mouse can get used to it. My hamster was the same way it was no problem eventually it stared to grow back

  3. What do you use for bedding?  She could have a slight allergy to the bedding, resulting in hair falling out.  Or, there could be something wrong with her diet, or (The most likely) she has mites.  If you use paper or aspen bedding and don't freeze it before you use it, you could easily end up exposing your mice to mites.

  4. she might have something with her /his home git him a separate one so that he won't get in fight talk to him see him every day love him

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