
My mouse was ok like a hour ago but lvl 15 minutes ago she was died and bleeding out her ear. what happened??

by  |  earlier

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i have a other mice but i dont think the could of bite each other. and i have a wired cage.(very cheap) so if u know what could have happened plzz tell.




  1. Wow I dont know. That is really sad. I'm sorry for your loss of your mouse. May god bless her and you. I looked on google for an answer, but I didn't find anything. The only thing I can guess is mabye she had an ear infection and you didn't know and it ruptured. I had an ear infection once and it ruptured and my ear bled. Mabye thats what happened. Good luck.

  2. Sounds like a brain haemorrage if blood was coming from her ear. That could be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Just a bite to the ear wouldn't have caused her to die unless it was from shock. Best to keep an eye on the other mice just to see if they're acting sick or anything.

  3. It could be a something bursting in the brain caused by genetics but the most likely explanation is that someone dropped the mouse at some point in the last few days and this triggered it. I have seen this happen before (sadly) and quite often the owner doesent even remember the fall as it seemed so trivial at the time and the mouse seemed fine immediately after.

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