
My mouth split on both corners, how do I heal this?

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Ok, 2 weeks ago the corner of my mouth split and has become really irritated. Then I started breaking out really badly on my chin just below my lips, now he other side of my mouth has split!! It is really uncomfortable and I cant get either to heal. Everything is really weepy and gross and painful!! Can someone please offer a suggestion to fix this or why this may have happened? It almost seems like there is some kind of infection going on. I did have surgery about a week before it all started but I don't think the 2 are related. Thanks...




  1. You should phone your surgeon/physician as soon as possible since you had surgery. I believe you may have picked up a bug and your lips are infected. Hospitals are some of the dirtiest places and many people pick up post-op infections.

  2. I would suggest a product called NEOSPORIN LIP TREATMENT. It's a triple antibiotic ointment that's safe to use around the mouth and it should help.

  3. You have a cold sore or fever blister. I use Abreva. It is a little expensive (You can get it at Walmart) but is well worth the money!!  

  4. The usual cause for this is a lack of vitamin B. Take Vitamin supplement pills or eat more veggies. I don't know about Neosporin lip treatment, it may help in the short term but more vitamin B will keep it from happening again.

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