
My msn address is on Limewire?

by  |  earlier

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I get random people adding me on msn all the time, and when i ask them where they got my addy from, they say Limewire.

We did have it on the computer about 5 years ago, but we took it off after a couple of months. At no point was my address written on there, so i don't understand how it's on.

How do i get it off?




  1. The only way is to cancel MSN address and create a new one informing all your friend what you have done  

  2. Somehow your address was picked up  by limewire as a shared folder. I have saw peoples email and paypal passwords on limewire, I just deleted that file and never used them of course. As far as removing it from limewire, I don't believe you can. Limewire is now reading it from other peoples computers not your own, therefore it would have to be deleted from the computers of all of those who have downloaded it for it to no longer be there.  

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