At our house, we have an outdoor ring which is amazing if it's sunny out, and we have a big paddock with a small shelter and some monsterous trees. Anyways, we have our horses at my uncle's barn during the winter and they come here all summer. My mum's horse, who we bought last fall, is deathly afraid of the paddock. She's never been in there before, so we put them all in, and she goes ballistic. We seperated, tried different combos of horses, she still runs and runs and gets herself into such a sweat. We put her in the arena, and she just runs and runs and runs. It's not like a fun run either, you can see the whites of her eyes, and when you ask her to calm down, and approach her, she looks genuinely afraid. All of the other horses are fine though... they just ignore her. My mum is on a business trip, and my uncle and dad have dubbed this my task, I really don't want to let them down, but I'm fresh out of ideas. I've had to move her back to my uncle's place for the timebeing. Help?