
My mum died two months ago. I feel as though my heart died with her. How can I keep living with this pain?

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I am absolutely miserable now. My father whom I have never been close to (he prefers my sister's company) and my sister have never wanted anything to do with me. The first time in nine years he ever calls me and it was to tell me my Mum was dead. I feel so lost and alone.. and horribly unhappy. I have no friends or family to talk to. And I just can't seem to deal with this pain. When will it get better? My Mum was my only friend/family that I had. What's the best way to deal with this pain?




  1. Bless your heart.  I lost my daddy 9 long years ago.  that was the most horrible thing that I ever dealt with.  luckily, i had my son who was 5 at the time and my husband who i married only 3 months after he died.  i cried for months.  i still cry.  his birthday was aug 14.  he is buried in another state.  i was never close to my mom.  i will keep u in my prayers.  all i can tell u is that it will get better,  it may not seem like it but, it will.  if you would like to talk to me, you can get me on yahoo im under lusteelips69.  

  2. I know this is hard to believe right now, but time heals all wounds.  You will never forget your mother, and there will always be sad feelings about her death, but in time it will get easier.

    The overwhelming grief that you are feeling is actually not necessarily negative.  It proves that you loved someone, and had their love in return.  That is, after all what we live for.

    Take care.  It will get better.

  3. im sorry.. do something you like to do to keep u busy and preoccupied, watch movies, listen to music, go to the park

  4. I know its hard to loose someone that you are close to. Your mother is in a better place I know you wish she was with you but you have to remember things you did together and always remember she loves you very much! Its going to be hard but you always have someone to talk to!!

  5. Its a long process and you will always feel that void.  Take it day by day

  6. You should either find some friends to spend time with or find a support group. Google support groups in your area. There are always some for family loss. Also, you could try therapy. Honestly though, it will take time to heal from your loss. That is such a tough situation to deal with. Your mother is a part of you though, and in that sense she will always be with you. Sorry for your loss.

  7. Perhaps the best way to deal with your loss is to interact with others who have suffered loss as well.  Maybe get involved with groups that provide support to those who have suffered loss, involved not only as a participant but as a leader.  While your situation does sound very unfortunate, probably you will encounter some situations that are even worse.  Being able to provide comfort and support to people in these situations may help you deal better with your own pain.  Whatever you do, find other people to talk and interact with.  We are social creatures and need the personal social contact of others.

  8. Would your mom want you to be miserable?

  9. When I was nine, my favorite person in the world past away. I felt like my heart would break, I couldn't breathe because the pain was so bad. I once heard a beautiful saying: "You can't ever get over someone's death, but you can get use to it." Now I know that these words seem like cold comfort right now, but you will get used to it. You might want to go see a counselor, or maybe talk to your sister and Dad. Right now, tell them that it is cruel and harshly unfair to leave you with no one to comfort you. As family, you need to support eachother, even if that means forgetting the rocky relationship right now, and focusing on get over your mother's death. I am so sorry. I can tell you that even now, seven years later, death still feels like it will tear me apart, but as long as you have family, you can and will get through it. I promise. It may not seem like that way right now but you will get through it. I am so sorry and I hope this sheds a little bit of light on the darkest parts of your life right now...

  10. I am so sorry to hear of your moms passing. You have so many great memories of you and your mom so hold on to them. It is OK and natural to grieve. Give it time. I'm sure that your mom would want you to go on with a good life, make friends and be happy. She will always be with you. So when you get out there and have fun she will be smiling and happy that you have succeeded.

  11. Dont be Sad mayb you can have a chat with me? im a joker =D

    & i can be your friend too . im 14. if you dunmind uu can add my Hotmail.  {:

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