
My mum gets me really mad

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Her periods aren't bad but mine give me terrible terrible pains and I regularly have mood swings. Things can bug me easily and when I get moody she doesn't just leave me alone (even though I ask her to). She will start calling me a moody cow and go on and on at me and it will turn into a big fight. Even if I walk away she still says things to me. Also if im laying in bed or on the sofa trying to releive the pain she will call me idol and lazy and tell me to stop over reacting.

Im 17, how do I get her to stop it?




  1. my mum is the same but shes calmed down since i spoke to her i forgot wot a period is like at im 29weeks pregnant just tell ur mum how u feel it always works with me x  

  2. Tell your mum that your periods give you bad pain and that you aren't trying to be lazy it just really hurts .

    Her telling you to stop over reacting is out of order if your periods are bad . Ask her to be a bit more under standing  

  3. My girl.

    Twenty years ago I was 72 years old and my mother was 92, and she also made me mad most of the time....

    Somehow moms do not really stop, no matter how old they get. And by the way, even when I was 72, my mom still saw me as her little girl....

  4. Painful periods turn me into a total monster, so if I was in your position I'd work on what I could do about me, rather than what to do about my mum (although she does sound insenstive - but she might actually be concerned, with some adults it comes out as constant probing and/or anger).

    Most of us view painful periods as a natural part of being female, but actually, us women aren't designed to be losing blood every month - mother nature would rather we got pregnant constantly (!) so you don't have to put up with it just because 'it's nature'.

    First thing - If painkillers aren't working for you, you possibly need to change the family of painkiller. For me, aspirin and paracetemol do no good at all, I might as well be popping smarties. Co-codomol, however, works really well. Apparently many people have only one painkiller type that works on them.

    Some women swear by Evening Primrose oil...not tried it myself. What happened with me was because i was becoming anaemic and the periods were affecting my schoolwork, my doctor actually put me on the Pill. There are risks associated with going on the Pill, but it depends on how it balances out with the disruption the periods have on your life.

    Good luck anyway, also you might want to read the article below.

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