
My mum has been an alcoholic for 10 years ?

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my mum has been an alcoholic for ten years now recently she broke her leg and was put in hospital the reason she broker her leg was because she was drunk at the time the doctors are now giving her medication so that she will stop driniking but nw she is hallucinating ansn seeing fings i fink its called alcohol withdrawal i feel sory for my mum yes ive been through alot with her but i cant help not to feel sory from what shes expriencing now what should i do




  1. I myself am a recovering alcoholic.  I have been sober for 13 years.  You cannot make your mom stop drinking.  You can hide all the alcohol but eventually she will find a way to get some.  All you can do now is love her and you need to show some tough love.  Have you tried talking to someone at perhaps an Al-Anon meeting.  I know this helped my family.  I know it will be hard not to feel sorry for her but you have to stand your ground otherwise you will continue to go through this with her.  I don't know how old you are but talk to someone.  A preacher, priest etc....anyone that will listen.  Please try going to an Al-Anon meeting, I believe this will help you alot.  Good luck and God Bless You.

  2. The only person that can help your Mom is herself. She has to accept the fact that she is an alcoholic. I am sure she has tried AA.

    You have been and are a good daughter . I can tell you love her very much.

    Now is the time to focus on yourself. Have you tried the group called Al-Anona? it is a place for people , like yourself,, deal with having an alcoholic loved one. In it you'll find the tools that will be able to enable you to deal with your Mom.

    I wish you well in life, hold your head high, you will be able to get through this. I pray for your Mom to have the strength  to fight this horrid illnesss.

  3. Just be there for her emotionally and try to understand what she is going through.  She has a disease and she is trying to fix it.  Don't be negative about it just encourage her. Make sure she takes her pills. Watch her take it and make her lift up her tongue afterwords ( that is what they made me do when I was in the hospital)  if you have to.  Look out for her hiding alcohol!

  4. jus talk to her. if u dont want her drinking again dont let her drink. i had a similiar problem with my mom, except she smoked.

  5. There isn't much you can do, just stand by her telling her its for the better and its all right. Hold her hand, and talk to her with a firm strong voice, be encouraging!

  6. you should get her to stop! i know that you feel sorry for her but tell her two drinks per day. no more. take all the alcohol and hide it. don't let her leave the house and get more. you need to step up!

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