
My mum has really bad breath, how do i tell her without hurting her feelings? It smells like rotten cabbage?

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My mum has really bad breath, how do i tell her without hurting her feelings? It smells like rotten cabbage?




  1. It could be a problem that needs medical attention - the dentist is a good place to start.  You have to tell her, hard as it may be.  Just have a quiet conversation and come out with it.  This is your mom, and if someone doesn't tell her she won't know, and will keep walking around like that.  The problem may become worse and in the end cause her a lot of problems that could be avoided (to say nothing of the eventual embarrassment).

    If it were you I'm sure you would prefer to know.

  2. Just tell her straight up. Do it in a loving manner but tell her the truth.

  3. keep gum.mention your breath all the time and say things like we,would you help me and involve her in hygene things and it will be cool.

  4. Subtly hint it to her by constantly offering her gum/mints etc. Tell her to drink more water as it is healthy. Also hint by saying things like, "I'm just going to go brush my teeth". "Wait, I need to go brush my teeth". I did this with my friends a while ago and I think she got the hint at the end.

  5. She may have an infected tooth, yo have to tell her, she probably can't smell it herself and she needs to see a dentist!

  6. i also have this problem from time to time. it is generally caused by a vertebrae between the shoulder blades being  out of alignment. NO. i am not joking! it also can cause belching, & the belches are nasty smelling according to my family & friends.

    i hope this helps.


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