She suggested to me ages ago that I should get a pink stripe put through the underneath of my hair, and I loved the idea so we decided that I would get it done. This was back in about May and she has said that we'll look around for a good place to get it done, if she doesn't say this it's we don't have enough money (even though she can go out and buy a Tiffany & Co. ring with matching bracelet). So today I just went on and on and on about it and she just went I don't know when and she wouldn't give me an answer, so I said "NO! mum you keep saying that, I need an actual answer can I have it done and WHEN?!", so she just goes "I DON'T KNOW!", but then I just said "No more no's mum WHEN AND WHERE!" and she just won't give me an answer and this is something I really, really want, because I am sick of looking the same as every other person out there at the moment. What can I do to actually make her commit to a place and not complain about the money or the fact that there isn't a good time?