
My mum is never proud of me?

by  |  earlier

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not to boost but for a girl i am a sucessful soccer player. i have won tons of awards. but my mum never seems to notice. my sister rides and my mum is always going on about how proud of her she is. its the same for my brother when he does something its amazing.

what can i do to make her proud of me?




  1. First deserve and then desire.

  2. aslong as your proud of yourself it doesn't matter if shes not proud of you then shes a fool if soccer makes you happy you don't have to proove to her how good you are aslong as you no you are  

  3. dont do it fot her do it for you

  4. This says more about your mother than it does about you hun. I could have been Prime Minister and my mother wouldn't have noticed. Eventually I gave up wanting to make her proud (it took me over 30 years though!) and got on with my life. I now have something she never had - a happy successful family life and confident kids.  

  5. just  ask  here

  6. Hi I'm sure your mum is proud of you as well I know I would be proud if you were mine being a successful soccer player and winning awards well don to you. Just give your Mum time sit down and try to talk to her to let her know how you feel is there anyone else you can talk to have you any Aunties or Grandmas you can talk to don't let this fester inside you cos I'm sure its not as bad as your making it out to be. Good luck to you and once again well done.

  7. Look, you can try your entire life to impress somebody, but if they aren't receptive then nothing you do will be good enough. Do things because you want to and succeed because that's what's best for you. Stop worrying about whether Mom approves. You won't be making grades and exercising to benefit her, you do it for you.  

  8. Just be proud of urself for your acomplishments. Don't worry about her and what she thinks.

  9. Maybe she feels you don't need her encouragement? This doesn't mean she is not proud of you though. Maybe your bro and sis need more attention whereas you sound quite a confident go getter sort of person?

    Be happy in what you do, that will make her proud.

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