
My mum is ruining my life , please help me !!!?

by  |  earlier

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well I'm due to start year 11 in september but the thing is my mum wants to move house. she loves the area but wants to be by the coast cuz she was brought up by the sea. i only have one more year left of school and she said she doesn't want to wait that long. so if she finds a house and she likes it she will move. That probs means i will have to start year 10 again cuz differ schools do differ subjects course and differ modules. and i cant wait til i leave school but i might have to do another year. and i've tried telling her my opinion about it being my last year , etc ,etc. but she wont listen, she doesnt care about me and my education. i know she is selfish but what am i gonna do ? i hate making new friends cuz i get bullied as i am ugly and look like a boy, and i know this as i have moved to 3 differ schools thru my secondary education and i have been bullied every single time !!!

please help me

how can i make friends more easily?

i feel depressed as i can't go to school without thinking one of these days could be my last day!

can you just tell me what you think and any advice you can give me ??

thanxs a lot





  1. Well, you can try explaining it to her again (trying a few more times always helps ^^) Also explain it in extreme detail, maybe raise you're voice a little; show her you're serious and you feel strongly about this.

    As for being bullied.. at every school, there will always be someone who doesn't like you (unfortunatly) but on the up side, theres always atleast 1 person to befriend ^^ I know it can be scary and awkward, switching schools and making new friends.. I know because I'm extremely shy >_< I missed the beginning of school in my Middle School year from 6~8 because I was so shy. The best way is to just be yourself and don't be scared. Also, try and keep in touch with you're old friends ^_^ (if you move)

    I wish you the best of luck :3

  2. Shes wasting her time by the time she found the house etc moved down you be in the middle of  your GCSE's and if she really wants you to do well she can't!!!

    She'll be looking for one for about 3-4 months with all the bidding etc. that will take you to november area you probably be doing your mocks then (depending on your school) so you'll be busy studying etc. January time should still be studying and if she's found a house she wouldn't tell you to move inthe middle of you exam period. then the rest of your the actual exams. Then you'll be leaving !! remember year 11s dont leave the same time as the rest of the school so your safe but your lucky you wernt moving to anothers yearlike 9 or something

  3. Hmmm this is less than ideal for you. I was quite shocked actually, that your mother doesn't understand the importance of staying in the same school and is choosing her needs over your education. Unforutnately, I don't see that there is anything you can do. You have to do as your mother says while you're still in school. Perhaps there is a chance that you could still go to the same school it would just be less convenient?

  4. My mom was gonna do this about a year ago, it was alright for me because I could catch the train to college but my brother was to young, so I told my mom and my brother that if it was me id just refuse to go to school.

  5. I think you should ask your mum if it is okay to not to move with her, you will just rent a flat (if she will move from there and you have nowhere to stay), just visit her there by the coast and live with her after you finish you degree.

  6. oh my gosh that is sooo sad and i feel really sorry for you. sit down with your mum and tell her everything you have put in this question...if not, if you feel you cant talk to her, then "accidentally" leave this question open on your computer screen, she may read it.

    If she does she will understand how you feel and realize exactly what this would do to you.

    If this is still too hard for you then talk to an aunt or an uncle or a neighbor, someone who both you and your mum are close to, this way they will give you true advise and hopefully persuade you mum.

    I wish you the best of luck...

  7. Firstly - what's with the downer on your looks? No wonder you get bullied if you bully yourself.

    Secondly if everything you say is true and nor biased then your mum really is being unreasonable and you need to point out the obvious to her - that you simply cannot move until you finish do this you will need the help of your form tutor and head of year. You need to see them asap and explain the situation.

    The other point to raise with her is that she had you and by doing that she made a commitment to do what was best for you until you reach're not there yet so she can't start being a selfish bitchh now. Also point out to her that it really isn't the time to buy and sell - show her the news!!

    Alternatively - you may have to get used to the idea of moving. I know it might seem unfair (and it totally is) but parents rule the ship...and the sooner you get your head around it the sooner you can start looking at schools and courses they offer...and maybe...just maybe the move will do you good. You could make excellent new friends...reinvent yourself and lose the downer you have about your could be the best thing to ever happen to you.

    In other words...I am no help to you at all...but I hope it all works out for the best x

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