
My mum let me get credit in her name and when i went to chance the payment details something went wrong?

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My mum let me get credit in her name, last July, i was putting money into her bank account everymonth to pay for it, but it got annoying after a while, so i changed the payment details online, in febuary, and last month she got a letter from them saying "final notice", so the direct debit wasnt set up on my account, but i never notice money going out, so i thought it was going as normal, they said the last time they got payed was in Feburary. Now they want £30 by 7 months that were missed wich equals £210, but is it really my fault for changing the paymenr details?, i mean i changed it about 10working days before the March payment was due, so it shouldnt have continued as normal.

So can they make me/her pay the £210 because of their mistake?

because now my mums yapping at me about it and i told her i would pay £30 (the usual ammount) on wednesday when i get paid, and then she said "oh im gonna have to get that money now to pay them now" and i told her i would pay them the usual ammount a month, and that they can like it or lump it. Now shes complaing at me because of their mistake.

So can they do that? or will they be willing to take an extra say £20 a month to cover the £210 thats owed?.





  1. If it was your credit file at risk I would say go ahead and do what you want but it's not, it'a your mum's credit file at risk. You must do everything you can to clear this debt as soon as possible because you will ruin your mothers credit score if it hasn't been ruined already meaning she will find it very hard to get credit in the future. Regardless of whats happened you HAVE to clear this debt or you will cause your mother big problems for the future plus the fact she is unlikely to trust you again if you continue with your current attitude.

  2. Okay my first question is - Can you PROVE that the error in changing the automatic debit is their fault?  Did you print out a confirmation showing you set this up - if not they will likely claim (right or wrong) that the error was on your part.

    In addition to that they will also state the obvious - how did you not know the money was not coming out? and if the money hasn't been coming out of your account since March you should have the amount of those payments still in your account waiting to be withdrawn and should be able to bring the loan current.

    Bottom line - you owed the money and were responsible to make sure the payments were being made on time.

  3. They will continue to chase your mum for the money as the loan is in her name - it is her debt.  She could ask f they'll accept 50 per month till the back payments are covered but they may not accept.  

    If the money does not get paid it's your mum who will be suffer the consequences, not you. You could be putting your mums creditworthyness at risk.

    It is possible the dd could not have been set up in your name as the loan is not in your name.  Their argument will inevitably be about the missed payments that it's your (mums) mistake, you (your mum) should have known the payments weren't going out.

    You won't get the ppi you've already paid back if you cancel it - and you may not be able to cancel it.

  4. very rarely the rectify mistakes they've made and it buggers yr credit rating up... Bast*rds

  5. It is their fault so they have to give you longer to pay it.  Also, you should phone the PPI people and get them to help you, as that's what you have been paying for

  6. Be careful what you say - they could construe your action in using you mother's name as fraud.

    If you are under 18 then you have additional problems as this is the minimum age for credit in the UK.

    Check you local CAB or debt counselling service

  7. first off, talk to them if there are problems paying, they can be flexible with terms but there can be no more mistakes. Unfortunately, they will see it as your responsibility to check the payments are being made, so there's no point stressing that point, it'd be a brick wall. The important thing is to agree terms with them and stick to them, else you risk long-term damage to your mum's credit rating, and a d**n good hiding I'd imagine!

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