
My mum needs a kidney?

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My mum had both her kidneys taken out due to cysts that pretty much made them both inoperative. she has dialysis three times a week to clean and drain her blood of liquids etc. My question is my older brother has started to get the kidney cysts so he can not donate. I on the other hand may have normal kidneys but I feel under a lot of pressure whether to donate or not because what if I start to get the cysts shortly after the operation. I may sound selfish but I am also scared. I don't know if we are a blood match. what should I do?




  1. I'm pretty sure if you were in your mum's position she would donate a kidney to you if she was the right tissue match...

    At the end of the day it's down to you and your concience...

    You can always ask the doctors these questions as they're in the best position to give you the answers...

  2. mate give her one, u shud be scared who wudnt be?? but if she needs one and it she is to suffer without one then ur question is answered. if u can stop her suffering, then do what u can. if u get cysts after the op then the docs will be monitering how u are doing equally as much as they moniter how ur mother is doing. a transplant is not just one sided and they take equal care and after care of both patients. it is completely upto u but i wud be scared as well so dont worry about being scared, i dont know anyone who has given anything like that before so cant give eg, but try to do what you think is right buddy... good luck and all the best x

  3. Speak to the doctors about your concerns. They might be able to test you to see if you are likely to get the cysts or not. They can also test you to see if you are a match or not. You may be worrying about something that you can't help with - you might not be a match at all! Just try not to worry about it too much - I know it's hard, but worrying too much will make you ill (through lack of sleep, etc), and your Mum will not want that on top of everything else. I hope that things work out okay for you all - good luck!

  4. eef yo mum nees a kidnay, then yoo shood gieve her one.

    Goond Luchk.

  5. your not being selfish your being careful its not easy being a kidney doner, first of all no point in thinking about it till you tested to see of u are a match if your not then you've no need to be concerned about your part in things but if u are then talk to drs surgeons doners and support groups getting all the information u can about doing this and make your decision from there....sure your mum would not want u doing anything thaty would harm you. Hope your mum gets better xx

  6. If you are at risk of developing the cysts then you will not be considered for donating and YOU ARE NOT BEING SELFISH.  You do what is right for YOU.  As a Mum myself I would not expect my Child to donate any part of them for me.  

    Stay strong!

  7. Black market

  8. i give her one
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