
My mum said that humans are smarter than birds, it's just an urban myth, right?

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My mum said that humans are smarter than birds, it's just an urban myth, right?




  1. Depends Which humans are you talking about.

    By the way we can't build houses using our feet but they can.


  2. Psh, are you an idiot?! How dare you even THINK about believing that myth! You're so stupid. Jeez.

  3. birds and humans? compare apple and orange. birds have peculiar senses to enhance their flight and hunting ability. humans are entirely different. in overall performance humans win!

  4. Yes it is.

    Especially here.

    On Yahoo.

  5. Not all humans are smarter than birds, as evidenced by your question.

  6. This question is so weird?!

    If they are smarter than humans i am so dumb for not knowing lol =S

    Theyre not though are they? =S


  7. What's just an urban myth? That we humans are smarter than the birds?

    No, it's not a myth. Of course we are more intellegent! Did you seriously think that birds were smarter than us??

  8. Duh! humans are smarter than birds!

  9. OK, maybe not you, but most of the rest of us definitely are smarter than birds.

  10. yeah i think its just an urban myth and yes obviously we're smarter than birds but if that's the case then how come we cant fly on our own???  

  11. Its arrogant to believe that humans are the smartest creatures on the earth. Just because we have buildings and technology, doesn't mean we are the smartest things around. Place us in the middle of a jungle forest and we're the dumbest things around.

  12. u see animals have a cycle of living

    they kno how to eat wen hungry

    n sleep wen tired

    n give birth....

    as humans we can go beyond that

  13. Are you sure she didn't say that an average bird is smarter than you?

  14. Wow ..Reverend Black Grape said it best.

  15. Humans are smarter than birds since we have bigger brains than birds we use more of our brains than birds do. Someone tell me if I don't make sense.

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